Sunday, September 6, 2009

Post some comments

Let me know how this/these shows effect you. Do you like them? Do they move you? Are you sparked by new music? What occurs for you? I dont need a dissertation, but at least a few comments. And be sure to share!

1 comment:

  1. jeez Scot- you are really crankin with these shows!
    I've been feelin a bit unda de wedda, if you know what...
    and playin these shows LOUD have make me feel mo bettah!
    Of course I have a couple suggestions-
    *could you note the names of the speakers who riff between tracks- some of them are gettin me wery werrrry curious...
    *sometimes the levels are pretty wide. One track LOUD the next soooooooffft. I don't know if there's anything to be done about that?
    *Am I a broken record(!) about this; Mp4 files don't translate well outside of the AppleEmpire. Without the cursedOverloard Itunes/Ipod be dificil to get these amazing chowes on mi machina. Break the ICODE!
    Mp3 is everymans Codec.
    Viva la revoluteeooohhhne!
    now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

    Thanks so much for these brilliant compilations!
